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Analysis of composite structure deformations based on 3D laser scanner measurements

Agnieszka Bondyra, Małgorzata Chwał, Przemysław D. Pastuszak, Adam Stawiarski

Quarterly No. 1, 2014 pages 38-42


keywords: 3D laser measuring scanners, cylindrical composite structures, deformations, inspection techniques

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abstract Non-contact measuring techniques are nowadays widely used in many applications from industry to the laboratory testing of advanced materials. The present paper is dedicated to the laser measurement scanning technique being one of the 3D active vision measurement non-contact systems. In order to analyze the deformations of a composite structure, 3D virtual models of an unloaded and loaded composite sample are created from 3D scanning data. The results of the deformation analysis are presented in the form of contours of the 3D deviations. Additionally, a comparison between the virtual images of the intact and delaminated areas of the analyzed composite structure is presented.

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