For Authors
Manuscripts intended for publication should be submitted to the Editorial Office via this website. Before sending the article, the Authors are asked to familiarize themselves with the information pages on the journal's procedures and ethics in publishing.
Authors should designate a proper corresponding author, whose responsibility is to represent the Authors in contacts with the Editorial Office. The corresponding Author receives a notification by e-mail confirming submission of the manuscript to the Editorial Office and is informed about the progress of the review process.
Papers should be prepared in Microsoft Word text editor + PDF format (Times New Roman font 11 points, justified, 1.5 line spacing). Attention! - the size of the uploaded file cannot exceed 10 MB. The margins for an A4 sheet size should be 2 cm on all sides. Manuscripts should not exceed 10 pages in total, including figures, tables, a list of references and abstract.
The text should contain the following:
- Title of the paper,
- Authors' full names and surnames,
- Authors' affiliation(s), address(es),
- E-mail address of corresponding Author (with an indication by the author's name),
- Abstract (min. half a page length, 10 points),
- Keywords (10 points),
- Sources of publication funding.
All manuscripts must be written in correct English. Both British and U.S. English are acceptable but the authors should be consistent in their usage. It is the sole responsibility of the authors to ensure that the manuscript is grammatically correct and spell checked before it is submitted to the Editorial Office. Papers written in poor English can be automatically rejected without being subjected to review.
All abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are introduced in the text or references. Thereafter the abbreviation can be used.
Formulae and equations should be written on separate lines and numbered consecutively in parentheses on the right side (1) . . . (n). Vectors must be indicated as such. The size of symbols should be kept uniform for all the equations in the manuscript. Formulae and equations should be referred to in the text.
The manuscript should contain high quality, black and white or gray-scale drawings and photographs in TIFF or JPEG formats - min. 300dpi. Scale markings should be printed on all micrographs.
Figures and tables are recommended to be a maximum 8 cm wide for one-column or 16 cm wide for two-column arrangement. The text within tables should be 8-9 points and centered. The titles of figures and tables: 9 points in bold.
Only SI units should be used.
References should be given according to ISO 960 and Vancouver. References should be numbered [1,2] and cited consistently in the order of reference in the text.
The system accepted by the Journal is as follows: names and initials all authors, article title, journal title, publication year, journal volume, page spread; or book title, publishing house, place, publication year, DOI number. For example:
Books: [1] Rosato D.V., Rosato M.G., Schott N.R., Plastics Technology Handbook, Momentum Press, New York 2011.
Papers: [1] Deepthi M.V., Sharma M., Sailaja R.R.N., Anantha P., Sampathkumaran P., Seetharamu S., Mechanical and thermal characteristics of high density polyethylene-fly ash cenospheres composites, Materials & Design 2010 April, 31, 4, 2051-2060, 2009.10.014.
Journal names should be abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations ( or Journal Title Abbreviations of the Web of Science:
The editorial office reserves the right to make language, stylistic and editorial amendments, etc.
Authors are asked to send with the manuscript names, affiliations and institutional e-mail addresses of 4 potential Reviewers. Please do not give the names of the Editors from this journal, colleagues from the Authors' institutions or persons with whom the Authors have cooperated recently, due to the potential conflict of interest. Please note that the Editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested Reviewers are used.