Analysis of load-displacement curves and energy absorption relations of selected Fibre Metal Laminates subjec-ted to low-velocity impact
Patryk Jakubczak, Jarosław Bieniaś, Barbara Surowska
Quarterly No. 3, 2014 pages 123-127
keywords: Fibre Metal Laminates, impact, impact energy, damage
abstract The goal of this paper is to analyse damage in Fibre Metal Laminates, containing glass and carbon fibre reinfor-ced composites, subjected to low-velocity impact. The analysis is based on the assessment of force-displacement characteristics in the aspect of energy absorption connected with initiation and damage propaga-tion in the examined laminate. On the basis of experimental research and result analysis, it may be stated that: (1) Fibre Metal Laminates with glass and carbon fibres are characterized by higher impact resistance in compa-rison to classic composite structures. This assumption is proved by higher maximum load levels, as well as by higher aggregate absorbed impact energy. Moreover, the aluminium layers can have a protective function as they absorb a significant amount of dynamic impact energy and lower the scope of damage in the laminate. (2) Fibre Metal Laminates with carbon fibres show greater susceptibility to damage resulting from dynamic impact than laminates with glass fibres. The main factors influencing the impact resistance of the examined materials are the properties of particular components, especially the composite reinforcing fibres. Carbon fibres show a relatively small deformation range until failure and are brittle in comprison to glass ones, which raises their su-sceptibility to damage resulting from dynamic impact. (3) Force-displacement (F-d) analysis, aggregate absor-bed impact energy (Ea) as well as initiation energy (Ei) and damage propagation (Ep) may represent some of the more vital criteria of composite materials assessment in terms of their resistance to low-velocity impact.