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Change of mechanical properties of PCL-based ternary composite scaffolds fabricated by solid freeform fabrication technique during in vitro degradation

Joanna Idaszek, Wojciech Święszkowski, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski

Quarterly No. 4, 2012 pages 228-231


keywords: poly(ε-caprolactone), PCL, nanocomposites, bioresorption, mechanicaltest

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abstract The number of critical bone defects caused by injury, cancer or aging of the world population is increasing. Techniques currently used to repair these defects suffer from several disadvantages, such as a lack of mechanical and biological matching of bone characteristics, the requirement of second surgery and the risk of pathogen transmission. Scaffolds made of bioresorbable polymers are a promising alternative as they temporarily support regeneration of the damaged site and undergo complete degradation after new tissue is formed. The goal of the present study was to determine the changes of the mechanical properties of fibrous PCL-based nanocomposite scaffolds during in vitro degradation. The composite scaffolds containing PCL, 5 wt.% of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, HA, and different concentrations of PLGA were prepared by combined sol vent casting and solid freeform fabrication techniques. The composite scaffolds were subsequently put to a dynamic degradation test. After fixed periods of time, the mechanical properties, mass loss of the scaffolds and change of the surface morphology (SEM) were determined. It was observed that the addition of PLGA accelerated the degradation of the scaffolds. However, the mechanical properties increased during the first weeks of incubation.

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