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Characterization of novel thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules for function integrative composite structures

Werner A. Hufenbach, Maik Gude, Thomas Heber, Thomas Tyczynski, Tony Weber

Quarterly No. 2, 2011 pages 147-151



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abstract For the mass production of adaptive fibre-reinforced thermoplastic structures, the development of process-adapted piezoceramic modules is gaining central importance. Thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules are being developed which are suitable for matrix-homogeneous adhesive-free integration of the modules in fibre-reinforced thermoplastic structures during a simultaneous welding process. The presented studies illustrate the destructive and non-destructive characterization of novel thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules. Aiming at continuous improvement of module design and its manufacturing technology based on an adapted hot-pressing process, the adherence strength of the combined material partners after consolidation and suitable methods of defect detection are investigated. In addition, high voltage actuation tests under static and dynamic loading account for competitive module performance. Keywords:piezoceramic actuators, thermoplastic composites, functional integration, destructive and non-destructive testing

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