Composite coatings including solid lubricants designed for aviation
Andrzej Posmyk, Jerzy Myalski
Quarterly No. 1, 2018 pages 3-6
keywords: solid lubricant, glassy carbon, aviation, friction, wear, composite coatings
abstract The article presents the fundamentals of the manufacturing, structure and selected properties of composite coatings (RGC) developed at the Silesian University of Technology designed for the aviation industry. The tribological properties of the developed coatings were compared with the properties of coatings used to date (TLML). The primary purpose of the coatings developed by the authors is to extend the time of correct operation of selected contacts of aircraft piston engines after the loss of lubrication due to a failure during flight. This time is necessary to fly to a safe landing place. Ensuring correct operation of the contact, i.e. maintaining the coefficient of friction at a level to prevent seizing, is possible due to a coating of a composite layer containing solid lubricants on the sliding surfaces. In the RGC coating, it is a glassy carbon and in the TLML coating it is molybdenum disulphide. During sliding with an insufficient amount of oil, more intensive wear of the coating takes place. Since the lubrication does not work, wear products are removed from the friction zone much more slowly. A mixture is formed from the wear products of the solid lubricant and oil residues, which is deposited on the cooperating surfaces, reducing friction. Even after the coating was worn off, the coefficient of friction in the conducted tests did not exceed 0.04. The developed coating can work at 120°C, with pressure p = 0.4÷2.0 MPa and at sliding velocity v = 0.55 m/s up to 30 minutes without being completely worn out. The TLML coating after about 24 minutes was worn out.