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Damage behavior of high speed textile reinforced composite rotors

Werner Hufenbach, Albert Langkamp, Paweł Kostka, Robert Bohm Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik (ILK), 01062 Dresden, Germany

Quarterly No. 2, 2005 pages 23-28



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abstract Textile reinforced plastics with their excellent light weight characteristics, good resistance to chemicals and their wide scope of design-ability - e.g. possibility of creating a load-adapted thermo-mechanical anisotropic property profile – offer a new range of performance for advanced high-speed rotors. For the load adapted design of variable axial composites for those applications, material adapted calculation methods and optimisation tasks with modified physically based failure criteria and anisotropic, fracture mode specific damage models are developed. The calculation and optimization of the textile reinforcement for complexly loaded composite rotors is performed using extended analytical and numerical calculation methods, which realistically simulate the mechanically or the hygro-thermally induced material strains for the individual textile reinforcement. A linear elastic approach can be applied for the stress strain analysis until the first fracture occurs. After initiation of the first failure, non linear deformation behaviour caused by different damage phenomena of the textile reinforced composite has to be considered within the calculation. In the present work a phenomenological plane stress damage mechanics based model for textile reinforced composites is presented. Damage variables are introduced to describe the evolution of the damage state and as a subsequence the degradation of the material stiffness. Key words: textile reinforced composites, simulation, damage analysis, composite rotors

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