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Dynamical mechanical research of properties of wood-polymer composite use DMTA method

Przemysław Postawa, Tomasz Stachowiak, Arkadiusz Szarek

Quarterly No. 3, 2010 pages 266-269


keywords: wood-polymer composites, DMTA

article version pdf (0.23MB)

abstract The research results of wood-polymer composites based on polypropylene (PP) and sawdust mixture of the wood where presented in the article. Three composites with different volumetric content of wood were prepared (25, 50 and 70% - content of filler). Then research samples were made by injection molding technology using injection molding machine KraussMaffei KM-65 - 130 C4. Testing of dynamical mechanic properties use one of the thermal analyzing method DMTA were carried out during research. The process of the preparation of samples and their producing were described, the results of examinations were also presented as a graphs and tables. Obtained results let determine the area of the possible application of received composites, and will be useful for the future. Costs of raw polymer material are still increasing because global consumption of polymers and goods produced from polymers is increasing too. Therefore we can observe big interest in new low-cost composites. Polymers filled with the sawdust of the wood are called Wood-Polymer Composite WPC. It is very interesting material because it doesn’t have the disadvantages that have its components. Composites are characterized by low receptivity of moisture, good mechanical properties and low processing shrinkage.

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