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Effect of abrasion parameters on tribological properties of cast A339/SiC/10p composite

Paweł Kurtyka, Iwona Sulima, Piotr Malczewski, Joanna Augustyn-Pieniążek

Quarterly No. 4, 2014 pages 189-196


keywords: aluminium matrix composites, tribological behaviour, ball-on-disc method

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abstract The paper presents the results of tribological tests conducted on an A339/SiC/10p composite reinforced with SiC particles. The test method used in the research was the ball-on-disc method combined with variable abrasion test parameters. Different materials were used for the counter-specimen (steel, Al2O3, SiC), variable load (5 and 10N) and sliding speed (0.1 and 0.5 m/s). It was found that the use of a counter-specimen made from a material of higher hardness significantly reduced the friction coefficient and the specific wear rate of the tested A339/SiC/10p composite. On the other hand, in all the friction pairs, an increase in the load while maintaining the same test conditions caused a decrease in the friction coefficient value and an increase in the specific wear rate. Additionally, in the Al2O3 counter-specimens, an abnormal decrease in the friction coefficient was observed with an increasing load, but it had no impact on the results of the specific wear rate.

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