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Fabrication of fibre reinforced magnesium alloys

Werner Hufenbach*, Andreas Buhrig-Polaczek**, Gerald Klaus**, Martin Fehlbier**, Albert Langkamp*** *Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, 01062 Dresden, Germany **RWTH Aachen, Gießerei-Institut, Germany ***Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, 01062 Dresden, Germany

Quarterly No. 1, 2005 pages 90-93



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abstract Textile reinforced magnesium alloys as new group of lightweight material offers an interesting property profile. Three different processing techniques for the infiltration of textile preforms are presented. The thixocasting was applied to produce locally reinforced magnesium matrix structures. This technology needs an adapted clamping fixture to locate the textile preform in the form tool. The high pressure die casting technique enables to produce magnesium composite structures with high number of pieces. For the infiltration a BÜHLER real-time operating high pressure die casting machine will be applied. Textile reinforced specimens and structures were fabricated using the pressure infiltration technique, which enables to produce complex shaped magnesium matrix components in a well controllable process. Key words: metal matrix composites, processing technique, textile reinforcement

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