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Flexural performance of fibre reinforced composite beams - numerical analysis

Dominik Banat

Quarterly No. 3, 2019 pages 119-125


keywords: fibre reinforced polymer (FRP), composite material, glass fibre, carbon fibre, flexural test, numerical simulation

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abstract This paper deals with multi-layered FRP composite beams subjected to the three-point bending test. The study is focused on the flexural performance of rectangular composite beams made of glass or carbon fibre-reinforced laminates (GFRP and CFRP). Depending on the fibre orientation, various laminate systems were analysed with the main focus on [08]T and [908]T layups. Tests on three beams with different length-to-thickness ratios included a three-point short beam shear test (SBS), assuming a relatively short beam is in relation to its thickness, which maximized the induced shear stresses. Additionally, two variants of boundary conditions were discussed with layers oriented parallel and perpendicular to the loading plane. Geometrically nonlinear analysis aimed to verify the load-midspan deflection curves for various fibre-reinforced composite beams was performed. The presented initial results concern comparative numerical analysis performed by the finite element method (FEM), which is found to be crucial before further experimental research.

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