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Flexural strength of hybrid epoxy composites with carbon fiber

Katarzyna Gawdzińska, Paweł Szymański, Katarzyna Bryll, Patrycja Pawłowska, Marek Pijanowski

Quarterly No. 1, 2017 pages 47-50


keywords: epoxy-carbon composites, fly ash, hybrid, flexural strength, carbon fiber

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abstract The paper presents a flexural strength comparison of hybrid epoxy composites with different reinforcing phases and amounts of used fillers. As the reinforcement, carbon fiber was used in mat and fabric forms. As the matrix, an epoxy resin and a mixture of the epoxy resin with a filler in the form of coal fly ash was used. The samples were produced according to the PN-EN ISO 178 standard and bending stress values of the studied composites were determined. The work is a part of studies related to selecting material for the hull of an innovative yacht with a hybrid drive, fueled by renewable energy sources, in the scope of the “RepSail” project in the “Era Net Future Travelling” contest realized at the Maritime University of Szczecin.

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