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Influence of resin parameters on strength properties of polymer composite produced by vacuum method

Rafał Chatys, Krzysztof Piernik

Quarterly No. 1, 2018 pages 45-50


keywords: composite, laminate, Shell, FEM, polyester resin, yield point, vacuum bag method, Rigid links

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abstract The paper presents the process of producing composite material by the vacuum bag method and its numerical analysis. The composite is made of three layers of two-directional combimat with a [0.90] orientation. Then it is cut at angles and subjected to a tensile test in the Laboratory of Composite Materials, Kielce University of Technology. The data obtained from the tensile test were used to construct three tubular elements that were designed in the ABAQUS program using the finite element method. The tube was treated as a thin-walled shell component, at both ends infinitely rigid rod-shaped Rigid links are formed, at the center of their intersection the point of attachment is generated. On both sides of the rigid restraint, the element is subjected to a uniform internal pressure of a 10 MPa amplitude, which would be very difficult to obtain under laboratory conditions. The conducted experiment gives very precise information about the stresses created in the composite and the behavior of both the fibers and the matrix at different layup angles.

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