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Influence of size and reinforcement value on properties of composite AK12-glassy carbon

Jerzy Myalski Politechnika Śląska, Katedra Technologii Stopów Metali i Kompozytów, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice

Annals 4 No. 10, 2004 pages 154-158



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abstract The results of the physicochemical properties of composite materials containing ceramic particles of carbon of amorphous structure have been presented. The influence of size and reinforcement value on tensile strength, impact and tribological characteristics (coefficient of friction and wear) were estimated. It has been found that above all the reinforcement value decide on mechanical properties. Enlargement of particles value leads to decreasing of tensile strength (Fig. 1) and impact strength (Fig. 2). It has been shown that particle size has small influence on studied properties. Figure 2a presented, that the destruction energy for the composites with particles of size above 100 μm is comparable, when increase the particles value in composites. The research of coefficient of friction proved, that increase of reinforcement value leads to decreasing of coefficient of friction from 0.4 for 5% value to about 0.12 for 20% of particle value (Fig. 3). It has been also proved that the size of particles (Fig. 3b) has some influence on coefficient of friction. The coefficient of friction is comparable for the composites containing particles of 200 μm size and is small dependent on reinforcement value. However size of the particles decide on the character of coefficient of friction changes. Coefficient of friction is low and stable for composites with small particles, but after long cooperation time it become unstable and rapidly increases (Fig. 4). The reason are the changes in surface area of composite, being the result of pulling out and crumbling out the reinforcement from the matrix. Key words: metal matrix composite, particles, glass carbon, coefficient of friction, wear, tribological properties, mechanical properties

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