Influence of the diffusion and mass transport on the thickness of composite
C. Baron, J. Gawroński Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Mechaniczny Technologiczny, Instytut Materiałów Inżynierskich i Biomedycznych, Zakład Odlewnictwa ul. Towarowa 7, 44-100 Gliwice
Quarterly No. 4, 2005 pages 53-60
abstract In this work the results of research works connected with the phenomenon of surface composite layer formation are presented. Three basic cases of forming surface composite layer have been described. Each of particular cases presents the most important assumptions: the kind of mould, pouring temperature, the kind and thickness of composite pad and the kind of basic material. Thanks to them studies have been done. They have been done for ball casting of 100, 80 and 60 mm diameter. Ferrochromium with the granularity below 0.3 mm and the thickness 5, 3 and 2 mm have been used as the composite pad. Low-carbon cast steel L450 have been used as the material for the matrix. Its chemical analysis is presented in Table 1. The composite layer thickness measurement was conducted. The results of measurements are presented in Tables 10 and 11. The range of diffusion and mass transport in percentage has been set and presented in Tables 4, 6, 8. The measurements of the hardness of composite layer have been done as well. The results are shown in Table 3, 5, 7. The statistical analysis concerning ball size and pad thickness impact of the composite layer thickness has done. The analysis consisted of three tests: homogeneity of variance, analysis of variance and gap test. They have been done for three sizes of ball casting and three kinds of composite pad thickness. The tools of experimental statistics have verified the following hypothesis: H0: there is no influence of given factor on the thickness of composite, H1: there is influence of given factor on the thickness of composite. Important influence of the kind of ball - solidification module on the thickness of surface composite has been confirmed by statistical analysis. Influence of the thickness of pad on the thickness of surface composite has not been confirmed. At the present moment studies on the effect of diffusion and mass transport are conducted. The possibility of forecasting the thickness of the composite layer is taken into consideration. It would enable getting the composite layer with predicted thickness. Key words: casting, composite, cast, alloy layer