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Mineral binder composites for civil engineering and underground excavations

Stefan Kubica Instytut Przetwórstwa Tworzyw Sztucznych w Toruniu, Oddział Zamiejscowy Farb i Tworzyw w Gliwicach, ul. Chorzowska 50A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Quarterly No. 2, 2007 pages 104-108


keywords: mineral-binder composites, injection binder, Portland cements, fly ashes, admixtures

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abstract The results of studies on the development of technology and processing of dry mineral-binder mixtures series of types, which were to be able to hydration and forming of compact mass of designed physicochemical parameters during the reaction with water, were presented in this article. The materials of this type are used in civil engineering and mining for consolidation of poor bounded rock mass, making of quick support constructions, filling of empty spaces and gaps, injection of rock mass enabling its strengthening, performing of belts and insulation plugs, making of explosion-proof stopping, fastening of installations, anchors and other elements like channels of prestressed constructions, filling of excavations and culverts, building and insulation structures and alternatively as materials for road and highway foundation. The additional advantage of developed technologies is utilization of waste mineral substances like classified fly ashes produced in big power plants (artificial pozzolana) and the possibility of continuous manufacturing and processing of dry mineral mixtures.

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