Modelling and numerical study of composite side safety device for Wielton trucks
Marian Klasztorny, Daniel B. Nycz, Kamil Zając, Roman K. Romanowski
Quarterly No. 1, 2017 pages 19-24
keywords: side safety device, glass-reinforced polyester laminate, modelling, numerical study, experimental verification
abstract The numerical modelling and simulation of approval tests of a side safety device (anti-bicycle buffer) for Wielton trucks was developed. The new type of device is made of glass-reinforced polyester laminates, manufactured using press technology. As part of the design, simulation of approval tests of the new design solution was conducted for five variants of the composite shells using MSC.Marc finite element code. The results are presented in the form of deflection contour maps and equivalent effort index contour maps for the laminate shells. The load capacity and usability conditions with respect to the buffer were checked. It was shown that all the analysed options of the GFRP composite buffer fulfil the approval conditions. The buffer case, optimal in respect to structural materials and formation technology, was recommended for production. The simulation results of the approval tests on the deflections of the side safety device chosen for production were compared with the results of the experimental approval tests. Good qualitative and quantitative agreement of the results was observed.