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Novel fabrication technologies for carbon fibre reinforced magnesium

Werner Hufenbach, Albert Langkamp, Manuela Andrich Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik (ILK), 01062 Dresden, Germany

Annals 3 No. 7, 2003 pages 271-274



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abstract Carbon fibre reinforced magnesium composites (CF-Mg) offer a considerable potential for lightweight applications especially in aerospace and automotive industry. Due to their outstanding specific stiffness and strength as well as the excellent fatigue and creep properties CF-Mg composites are predestined not only for static loads but also particularly for applications with dynamic loads and complex superimposed stress conditions. The fabrication of the CF-Mg samples as well as component structures was accomplished with the aid of a modified gas infiltration technique. Furthermore, tensile tests for the determination of stiffness and strength data were performed on samples of the fabricated CF-Mg composites for various fibre orientations. Key words: metal matrix composite, production technology

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