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Numerical calculation of the thermal conductivity coefficient in diamond-copper composite

Tomasz Boguszewski, Łukasz Ciupiński, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej, ul. Wołoska 141, 02-501 Warszawa, Poland

Quarterly No. 3, 2008 pages 232-235


keywords: geopolymers, composites, adhesion

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abstract Metal-ceramic composites are becoming widely used in electronic and power generation industries. Applications of these composites are driven by their mechanical and physical property combined with economic price. One of the key properties in this context is their capacity for heat transfer. Diamond-copper composite was chosen for calculation because of very high coefficient of thermal conductivity and small decrease of mechanical properties under high temperature. Analytical results give solution of the thermal conductivity for case with only one particle in composite. Numerical analysis was appropriate to have results for more complex cases. Three model of representative unit volume with one isotropic particle was prepared to calculate cases with standard and high density of the particles. One model with real distribution of particles, which was generated by Micrometer program was used to compare results. In this work analysis of structure and features of phases composite was considered in order to study heat transfer phenomena. Models of three phases composite matrix, filler and interface with discontinuities were analysed. Distance between particles was also considered. Additionally, influence of the increased ambient temperature on thermal conductivity was presented. Analysis of the results indicate to volume fraction of the diamond phase, volume fraction of the discontinuity in interface layer and distance between diamond particles as the most important variable for conductivity. Obtained results for high thermal conductivity composites processing could be used to determine optimal phases characteristic and distance between particles.

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