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Numerical modelling of functionally graded composite microstructures in terms of their homogenization

Danuta Miedzińska

Quarterly No. 3, 2017 pages 169-174


keywords: functionally graded composite, homogenization, numerical modeling

article version pdf (0.56MB)

abstract A new method of numerical homogenization for functionally graded composites (FGCs) was proposed in the paper. It was based on the method in which the gradient heterogeneous microstructure is divided into homogeneous slices. In the presented research, the model was built using 2D elements, with two linear material models of Young modulus E = 50 MPa and 750 MPa distributed in the sample volume in accordance with linear and normal graduation. The numerical homogenization was carried out by dividing the heterogeneous sample into 4, 5 and 8 slices. The substitute material characteristics were calculated and implemented into the sliced model. The numerical compression test results of the sliced and heterogeneous models were compared and the method error was calculated. The conclusion was that the more slices applied, the more exact results will be received. Selection of the number of slices should be based on the accuracy that is necessary for the global model to reflect the gradient properties of the structure and on the available computational capacity. A disadvantage of this modeling approach is the loss of ability to evaluate the distribution of stresses around the grains of individual phases in the microstructure.

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