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Preparation and properties of polymer ferromagnetic nanocomposites

Ewa Sówka*, Marcin Leonowicz*, Bartłomiej Andrzejewski** *Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej, ul. Wołoska 141, 02-507 Warszawa **Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej PAN, ul. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań

Quarterly No. 4, 2005 pages 3-7



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abstract Nanocomposites show unique properties because of their nanosized structural elements (Figs 3-5). Ferromagnetic materials containing nanoparticles were prepared in polimeric matrix (Table 1). Magnetic nanoparticles were generated during acrylamide polymeryzation in solid phase. Obtained polymers were pyrolized at two different temperatures: 600 and 800oC. It was followed by second stage, when the polymer was decomposed yelding metallic cobalt crystallites. The influence of heating time on composites properties was tested. The structures of obtained materials were characterized by X-ray (Figs 1-3), microscopic (Figs 4-7) and magnetic method (Figs 8-10). The presence of cobalt crystallites of size a few to tenths nanometers depending of pyrolize temperature was detected. The studies with use of HRTEM confirmed the information about materials microstructures. The size of patricles after pyrolisys in temperatures 600 and 800oC was of 50÷250 micrometers, irregural shape and pores diameter ca 15 micrometers. The ferromagnetic properties of the systems were confirmed by magnetic measurements. The coersive force on the level 0.01 T, clasified the composites as magnetic soft materials. Key words: nanomaterials, acrylamide complexes, metallopolymer, nanocomposites, self-propagating front, frontal polymerization, magnetic properties

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