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Preparation of bentonite/nAg nanocomposites

Olga Długosz, Martyna Kołodziej, Marcin Banach

Quarterly No. 1, 2018 pages 7-13


keywords: adsorption, bentonite, equilibrium, kinetics, nanocomposite, silver

article version pdf (1.22MB)

abstract In this work results of the preparation of bentonite/nAg nanocomposites were presented. In the first stage, the bentonite sorption properties were determined, including the equilibrium and kinetics parameters of the sorption process of silver ions on the bentonite. The study analyzed the filler sorption properties for different concentrations of silver ions in solution. The equilibrium sorption data were analyzed using Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin equations. It was found that the best fit is given by the Freundlich equation. Analysis of the kinetics of the sorption process showed that the pseudo-second-order equation was characterized by the best fit for the experimental data, suggesting the chemical character of the adsorption process. In order to obtain a nanocomposite, silver ions contained in the composite were subjected to a reduction process using tannic acid with stabilizing and reducing properties. The obtained bentonite/nAg nanocomposites contained silver nanoparticles in the range of 162÷266 mg/g. The structures of the nanomaterials were studied by XRD and SEM methods.

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