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Preparation of nanocrystalline composites TiO2-SnO2 by sol-gel method

Anna Marzec, Anna Kusior, Marta Radecka, Zbigniew Pędzich

Quarterly No. 3, 2014 pages 169-173


keywords: nanopowders, TiO2-SnO2 nanocomposites, resistive gas sensors

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abstract The paper describes the sol-gel method for preparing nanocomposites from the TiO2-SnO2 system with various chemical compositions. The obtained nanopowders are characterized by a significantly expanded specific surfa-ce area (SSA ~ 100 m2/g), which suggests low particles agglomeration and undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the application of the obtained nanopowders in the production of resistive sensors for gas detection. The cry-stallites sizes estimated with use of XRD (Dhkl ~ 8 nm) are similar to those calculated based on specific surface area measurements (DBET ~ 15 nm). Moreover, the paper examines the spectral dependence of the diffuse re-flection coefficient Rdiff(lambda) of the obtained nanocomposites.

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