Preparation of the SiO2 sol-gel layer on the carbon fibers
Anita Olszówka-Myalska, Agnieszka Botor-Probierz, Justyna Krzak-Roś, Anna Łukowiak, Tomasz Rzychoń
Quarterly No. 4, 2009 pages 332-336
keywords: carbon fibers, nanocoatings, silicon oxide, sol-gel, metal matrix composites
abstract In the article the sol-gel technique was proposed for deposition of SiO2 layer on carbon fibers as a method for potential application in technology of metal matrix composites reinforced with carbon fibres. During the process of layer formation two silicon precursors the tetramethylorthosilicate (TMOS) and phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTEOS) and additionally the ethanol with the mol ratio as 1:0.8:5. (TMOS:PhTEOS:EtOH). Hydrolysate was deposited on the granules of FT 300B carbon fibers. Granules of short fibers with 3D isometric distribution were prepared from cutted roving of carbon fibers. The thin SiO2 layer was formed during immersion of carbon material in metaloorganic solution. After sol-gel process the macroscopic properties of carbon fibers granules were not changed and bridging effect was observed very seldom. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-FE HITACHI 4200-S and HITACHI S-3400N with EDS Thermo Noran System SIX) and X-ray diffraction (JEOL JDX-7S) methods were used for structural investigations. The uniform, adherent and crack-free layer was formed. The thickness of a layer was estimated on the 100 nm level. The effect of fibers bridging was observed by SEM very seldom. The EDS results from the surface of coated fibers confirmed the signals of silicon and oxygen. By the XRD method no crystalline phase was identified. Therefore it can be concluded that the amorphous layer of SiO2 was deposited on the carbon fibers. It is in good agreement with own results for SiO2 sol-gel coatings without thermal stabilization deposited on silicon semiconductors and optical sensors and literature data for SiO2 coatings deposited on carbon fibers. Presented results showed the usability of sol-gel method for modification of carbon fibers surface by SiO2 nanosize coating.