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Pro-ecological methods for synthesis of nickel nanoparticles for composite applications

Anna Marzec, Zbigniew Pędzich

Quarterly No. 2, 2014 pages 76-80


keywords: nickel nanoparticles, biochemical methods, green synthesis, Ni/ZrO2 composite

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abstract Composites containing nickel nanoparticles dispersed in a ceramic polycrystalline matrix are widely utilized materials for different applications. They are utilized in ceramic matrix/metallic additive composites due to their profitable influence on both the mechanical (grain size growth control, stress relaxation on crack tip by plastic deformation) and functional properties. A zirconia/nano-Ni composite is an important material for solid oxide fuel cell electrodes possessing unique electrochemical properties. Another composite composed of alumina and nano-Ni is a widely investigated structural material showing excellent mechanical properties. The paper presents an innovative pro-ecological method for synthesizing nickel nanoparticles to be used in ceramic matrix/metal particle composites, which could be used as an alternative to traditional methods. The proposed biochemical syntheses minimise or even completely eliminate the amount of produced waste and could be implemented as sustainable processes accepting the basic principles of “green chemistry”. The suggested method enables precise size control of the created nanoparticles and at the same time offers numerous advantages in comparison to conventional methods.

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