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Properties of magnesium based composites

Pavel Lukać, Zuzanka Trojanova, Alexandra Rudajevova Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 12116 Praha 2, Czech Republic

Annals 4 No. 10, 2004 pages 121-126



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abstract Mg-based composites were manufactured by various processing techniques. The reinforcement was in the form of short fibres or particles. The microstructure developed influences properties of composites. Physical and mechanical properties of Mg based composites were investigated in the temperature range from 293 to 673 K. The thermal expansions and thermal conductivity were measured. Strength and deformation behaviour were studied. The volume fraction, shape and composition of the reinforcement significantly influence the properties of a composite. The interface between the matrix and the reinforcement has a great deal of importance in determining the properties of the composite. Key words: Mg composite, thermal and mechanical properties

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