Resistance And Thermal Activating Of Dispersion Reinforcement In Cast Composite Materials
Józef Gawroński, Mirosław Cholewa, Krzysztof Janerka Politechnika Śląska, Katedra Odlewnictwa, ul. Towarowa 7, 44-100 Gliwice
Annals 1 No. 1, 2001 pages 110-113
abstract The essential of problem is using electrical impedance of reinforcement to heating it in order to improve wetting conditions. The aim is improvement of technique injection of dispersion reinforcement component. The optimization of contact surface temperatures should to decrease value of indispensable shearing stresses, which occurs in liquid metal during mechanical mixing of components. This permits to shorten mixing time and to decrease it intensity. Among technologies using to producing dispersion composites the wide application heaving techniques which use physical and chemical surface activation of reinforcement. The proposed technology permits to initiate and intensify surface phenomena exactly in center of proceeding processes. Technology may present completion of industrial technique pneumatic injection of reinforcement particles, which using is especially justified for form composites casting. Until now one of general elements of particles injection process was a heating its in lance. The heating followed in indirect way from lance wall with heating carrier gas. According to presented technology the heating of reinforcement should follow by using Joule-Lenz heat with taking into account electrical characteristic of reinforcement. In work was compared an induction heating method and direct heating so-called „reinforcement cartridge” which is expose a cylindrical specimen with constant volume to electrical power action. Figure 1 shows requirements parameters process of heating and resistance method of reinforcement activation.