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Simulation of branched biological structures for bionic inspired fibre-reinforced components

Werner A. Hufenbach, Maik Gude, Frank Cichy, Marek Danczak, Christoph Neinhuis, Hannes Schwager

Quarterly No. 4, 2011 pages 304-309



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abstract The load adapted design of complex lightweight bar frame works with nodes and branched profiles is a significant challenge from both the structural mechanical and the manufacturing point of view. The search for novel material efficient solutions increasingly leads to the use of fibre-reinforced composites as they exhibit good specific material properties and a high degree of design flexibility. In order to achieve an optimum design of thin-walled, branched, hollow composite structures, a bionic approach following the top-down principal is pursued and simulations of various Y- and T-shaped models are carried out. The typical characteristics of the ramification areas of selected plant structures are analysed using micro-mirror fringe projection and micro-computed tomography. The scientific findings of plant morphology gained by these analyses are transferred into FE-models for structural analyses and parameter studies. The anisotropy of fibre material, the morphological characteristics of the examined cacti and the technological restrictions of the braiding process are considered in the design process of simulation models. The results show a significant increase of stiffness of thin-walled branched models with bioinspired design features compared to models constructed according to the state-of-the-art technologies.

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