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Strength analysis of molded pieces produced from wood-polymer composites (WPC) including their complex structures

Wiesław Frącz, Grzegorz Janowski

Quarterly No. 4, 2016 pages 260-265


keywords: WPC composites, MFH homogenization, injection moulding simulation, Digimat software

article version pdf (1.93MB)

abstract The paper presents an assessment of the filler percentage impact on the stress-strain characteristics of wood-polymer composite (WPC) samples loaded in a uniaxial tensile test. The analysis was based on both experimental studies as well as numerical simulations. The manufactured composite consisted of polypropylene as the polymer matrix and wood fiber (WF) of varying percentages, i.e. 10÷40%. Numerical modeling of the static tensile test was performed using Ansys commercial code taking into account the heterogeneous composite structure and fibers orientation. In order to define the heterogeneous material, Digimat software was used. Appropriate calculations were made using the Mori-Tanaka homogenization model.

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