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Structure and strength characteristics of NiAl-based composite materials

Olena Poliarus, Oleksandr Umanskyi, Jerzy Morgiel, Piotr Bobrowski, Maciek Szlezyner, Tetiana Mosina, Iryna Martsenyuk

Quarterly No. 4, 2019 pages 169-173


keywords: NiAl intermetallic, CrB2, sintering, structure, hardness, microfragility, microstrength

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abstract In this paper, the structure of NiAl-15wt.%CrB2, NiAl-15wt.%ZrB2 and NiAl-15wt.%TiB2 composite compact materials was studied using SEM. The composites were obtained by sintering in vacuum. The phase composition was studied by XRD analysis. The effect of the diboride additives on the NiAl hardness was studied. It is shown that the initial intermetallic had a hardness of 288 HV20. At the same time, the hardness value for the NiAl-15wt.% ZrB2 composite is 349 HV20, for NiAl-15wt.%TiB2 it is 392 HV20 and for the NiAl-15wt.%CrB2 composite material it is 468 HV20.

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