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Study of fireproof textile heat resistance improvement with TiSi(N) nanocomposite coating of various thicknesses

Michał Stankiewicz, Danuta Miedzińska, Konstanty Marszałek

Quarterly No. 2, 2018 pages 110-114


keywords: nanocomposite layer, fireproof textile, heat resistance

article version pdf (0.77MB)

abstract Fireproof textiles must exhibit high heat resistance. Many methods to improve this property are known. They can be achieved, for example, using special chemical additives during fiber production. In the paper the use of a nanocomposite layer is proposed. NATAN and PROTON fireproof textiles were coated with a TiSi(N) nanocomposite layer using magnetron sputtering technology. Three layer thicknesses of 200, 300 and 400 nm were applied. The thermal barrier effect for heating up to 100 and 330°C was studied on specially designed testing equipment. The influence of the layer thickness on the textile heat resistance was visible at 100°C. For the thickest layer a worse effect was observed, which could be caused by the thermal conductivity of the composite layer. However, the proposed layer raised the heat resistance of the textiles.

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