Study of mechanical properties of polymer composites containing silver nanoparticles for middle ear prostheses
Magdalena Ziąbka
Quarterly No. 1, 2016 pages 42-26
keywords: thermoplastic polymer, nanocomposites, nanosilver, mechanical properties.
abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties of polymeric composites prepared by means of extrusion and injection moulding. Three stable thermoplastic polymers (high density polyethylene, polysulphone and polyamide) were used as composite matrices. Antibacterial silver nanoparticles nAg were used as the modifying phase. The mechanical properties of the tested materials were determined during uniaxial stretching. Such parameters as Young’s modulus E, tensile strength Rm and elongation at maximum force εFmax were measured. The results show that neither the preparation technology nor the amount of modifier impair the mechanical properties of the tested composites. The addition of silver nanoparticles does not cause a loss of strength, while it increases the Young’s modulus of the materials.