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The influence of bioactive additions on sintering of porous composites based on Co-Cr-Mo alloy

Zbigniew Oksiuta, Jan R. Dąbrowski Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Mechaniczny, ul. Wiejska 45, 15-351 Białystok

Annals 2 No. 4, 2002 pages 195-198



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abstract In this work introduced the results of investigations receiving of porous composites materials base on Co-Cr-Mo implantation alloy with contents of 3%, 6.5% and 10 wt.% of additions: Ca3(PO4)2 - αTCP and bioactive glass - AP40. One examined density, structure and microhardness of sintered compacts. From the compactibility data appears (Fig. 1), that higher density of samples received in case of material with the αTPC addition. Together with height of weight additions density of compacts decrease. It have not been possible to receive good quality of samples with content of 10 wt.% addition. The results of sintering process under argon atmosphere at the temperature 1150oC for 1 hour testify, that samples with 6.5 wt.% of addition has not been sintered well. Sintering at the temperature 1250oC, in the same period of time (Fig. 2), caused slight increase of samples density. Effect of specimen sintering is the most strongly visible in case of composites with 3% of additions. The smaller dimensional changes have been observed in compacts with AP40 addition. The samples at 10 wt.% of TCP and AP40 addition after sintering received slight height of volume (swelling). The analysis of microstructure of sintered samples (Figs 3, 4) has revealed that in case of compositions with αTCP powders in structure one can observed new eutectic phase. Increase of contents of ceramics or glass additions cause the quantity of this eutectic phase grows up too. The similar picture of structure have been observed in photographs with AP40 samples, but contents of phase eutectic in these kind of specimens is clearly greater (Fig. 4). From microhardness measurements results indicates (Fig. 5), that with increasing of content additions the microhardness rises. Samples sintered with αTCP powder, in spite of higher value of density, obtained lower hardness. This effect is probably join with samples of structure (observed higher contents of eutectic phases in case of samples with AP40 addition).

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