The influence of extrusion temperature of preforms from Al8.84%Cu6.33%Si0.65%Mg alloy reinforced with SiC particles on the structure and properties of the products
Stefan Szczepanik, Marek Wojtaszek, Jerzy Krawiarz Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
Annals 4 No. 12, 2004 pages 351-358
abstract The paper discusses the influence of the extrusion temperature of the preforms from Al8.84%Cu6.36%Si0.65%Mg alloy based composites reinforced with SiC particles on the structure and mechanical properties of the products. The extrusion was carried out with the ratio λ = 13.32 at 510, 520, 530°C after the compacts have been heated during 15 or 30 min. In the compacts heated at 510°C during 30 min the liquid phase contents are 11.8 vol.% and 28.7 vol.% after heating at 530°C in 15 min (Figs. 2, 3). The adopted range of temperature allowed for the indirect determining of the influence of the liquid phase content on the force and its magnitude (Fig. 4) and the relative density of the products (Fig. 5). Thanks to the increase of the extrusion temperature, the force needed to the deformation is smaller for the matrix as well as for the composite. The relative densities of the extruded materials are comparable. The composite material with 5 vol.% SiC content has slightly smaller density than the material with 2 vol.% SiC. The obtained materials have their properties dependent on the extrusion temperature and the heat treatment conditions applied (Tab. 1 and Figs. 6, 7). The material after heat treatment has higher values of strength properties. The increase of the extrusion temperature from 510 to 530°C doesn’t cause a significant change of these properties despite the increase of the liquid phase content. Key words: extrusion, preform, reinforced phase, aluminum alloy matrix, composite, liquid phase, mechanical properties