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The influence of sub-assemblys produced of composite materials on operating of internal combustion engine

Andrzej Posmyk*, Stanisław Witaszek Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Transportu, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland e-mail: * andrzej.posmyk@polsl.pl

Quarterly No. 1, 2007 pages 13-24


keywords: composites with aluminium alloy matrix, piston, cylinder liner, wear, fuel consumption

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abstract In this work the influence of sub-assembles made of a composite materials AlMC on an internal combustion engine operating has been presented. The basic requirements for composite construction materials destined for chosen combustion engine parts were presented. The results of tribological investigations of pairing EN-GJL-350/W6D.22A on testing stand “pin-on-disc” in temperature of piston using as well as motor test results of composite material piston influence on small combustion engine operating were described. On tribological investigation basis it was stated, that the composite material with EN-AW-6061 matrix may be used only up to 160C. At 220C that material deforms plastically such extent, that its using is impossible. Composite discs and cast iron pins wear rates at temperature 160C were smaller then at temperature 20C. In the motor researches the fuel consumption of a two-stroke, one cylinder engine and wear of its pistons and cylinder liners have been determined. Two series of tests, each in 10 replications, have been carried out. In the first one a standard piston, made of an aluminium alloy EN-AC-47000, has been used in the second one a composite piston has been used. The results of the experiments show that use of composite piston in investigated engine reduces its fuel consumption and decreases piston wear but increases wear of cylinder liner.

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