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The research of fatigue strength and creep of the polimer composites with the powder and fibre filler

Adam Gnatowski, Dariusz Kwiatkowski, Włodzimierz Baranowski

Quarterly No. 1, 2009 pages 94-98


keywords: composites, mechanical properties, glass fibre, talc

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abstract Polymer mixing with filler is presently one of the most effective and the most intensely developing methods of physical properties modification for polymers. Polymeric composites play crucial role in development of application of technological polymers. During last twenty years composites of polymers have gained on interest, as they have appeared as new group of polymeric materials with interesting and sometimes very specific properties. In this work the results of investigations of mechanical properties polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene and polypropylene with addition of glass fibre and talc were presented. The properties of the polymer composites depend significantly on the type of the components. That kind of influence manifests especially in the change of the mechanical properties. The investigations for the influence of filler and kind of polymer on the fatigue strength and creep during bending have been conducted. Research of fatigue strength was passed by means of of the device making possible impromptu cyclical to bend samples from investigated polymer materials produced with the injection method. The process of the creep was passed at the tension called out in the sample equal 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 MPa. Research were executed for samples from polymers and composites produced with the method of the injection at optimum-manufacturing parameters. The changes of the value of fatigue strength for the different type of investigated polymer materials was obtained. The graph of Wöhler for symmetrical cycles at the pendulum-inflexion for investigated materials was fixed. Also the essential influence on fatigue strength a note during the fall of the creep and the hardness of the polypropylene composite of the both with the powder filler as and to glass fibre filler, the polystyrene and the polypropylene was made. The influence of these properties on fatigue strength on the inflexion was qualified. In passings research in the chance of fatigue strength a note highest values of the polypropylene, and lower for his composites with the filler, especially the fibrous type was made. Lower values of fatigue strength also for the polystyrene and the polythene was obtained. The character of changes of these values evidences the dependence of fatigue strength from the susceptibility on the statical fatigue and hardnesses of investigated polymer materials.

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